Submit Abstract
Abstract submission deadline extended until November 25, 2018
Abstracts received before the abstract deadline will be considered for poster presentations and/or a limited number of oral presentations.
Any abstracts submitted after the deadline will be eligible for poster presentations only. Please also note that we can only allow one abstract per presenting author.
Once the abstracts is accepted, at least one of the authors must register for and present at the conference.
Format – Provide a Word format document with 350 words, following the model: Times new roman 11, Page A4, Margins: 3 cm left/right, and 2 cm up/down. Select to participate tal or poster.
DOWNLOAD ABSTRACT MODEL HERE: Exercisefloripa-Abstract-Model_2018
Poster size: poster must be at maximum 90cm x 120cm. The layout is not standardized, provided it does not exceed maximum poster size!